Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Playing Catch-Up
I've taken a much needed hiatus. Between work, spending my time playing with (chasing) Emerson, enjoying the holidays with family and friends, and feeling the exhaustion of this pregnancy, there's not much left to give. But starting in this new year, I have made it a goal to be more proactive with recording our happenings on this blog. This is a place for me to share with you. And as life will prove to only get crazier, I want a spot where I can look back to and say, "Life was good, and this is the proof."During the first couple days before Christmas, we were able to spend some time with our good friends. We took the kids to The Critter Barn, which turned out to be as big a hit as it was last year. Em really loves animals and she was totally into petting everything!
Jeremy was able to get time off from work this holiday, so we were able to spend five days with my family in Chicago. Probably the longest we've ever been able to be there during Christmas. When we arrived, Emerson was greeted by an amazing snow fort in the backyard. Grandma said the fairies had been there!
Since we weren't so rushed during our visit, we actually got to partake in a couple holiday traditions--the best one (according to Em) was baking and decorating cookies. She was into it for only a couple minutes before she decided that eating all the sprinkles was much more fun!
We topped off our visit with our small family breakfast and present time on Christmas morning and then were able to spend time with the extended family during our visit to my grandparents. All in all, one of the best holidays!!
My hope for the new year, albeit a little late, is continued health and peace for all my family and friends. Sometimes it's hard to look beyond the hard times, but my focus for 2011 is to be grateful for all my blessings!
posted by annie at 1:09 PM 0 comments