Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Water Damage

About a week and a half ago, my cell phone started acting up. I took it in and they gave me a new Sim card. Problem solved-or so I thought. Last Friday it started acting up again and this time the local store said the problem was with the phone itself. They sent me to Grandville where the guy took one look at it and said, "Yup. Water damage." The source of my "water damage"......

Let's just say, "Lesson learned!"


Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said...

Hee, hee. I lost a phone the same way. It just works so well as a toy, even after I got a new phone, I found myself still giving it to Molly if she was fussy in the store, haha.

Charrie said...

so funny! I never had that problem because I have to be the only person that doesn't have a cell phone!